These Are the Passwords That Hackers Will Guess First


Avoid these common, easy-to-crack passwords!

✅ Sequential number combinations.

✅ “Qwerty” (the most popular letter combo for passwords).

✅ Avoid using the word “password” in your password!

✅ Common phrases (“iloveyou,” “sunshine,” “princess,” and “dragon”). Hackers will also try common words with all of the common substitutions, like January and january or October, october, and 0ct0ber.

✅ Pet and family names. According to Google, never include your pet’s, child’s, or spouse’s name in your password. If a hacker is privy to any of your personal information, they will definitely check your loved ones’ monikers to try to break your code.

✅ Significant dates (your birthday, anniversary, or the birthday of a loved).



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